5 Signs Your Transponder Key or Immobiliser Is Failing

5 Signs Your Transponder Key or Immobiliser Is Failing

Nowadays, vehicles come with complex and highly effective security systems that help safeguard vehicle owners against potential car theft. If you have bought a car built in the last 20 years, it likely includes a transponder key and engine immobiliser, which create a...

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5 Benefits of Ensuring You Have Spare Car Key

5 Benefits of Ensuring You Have Spare Car Key

When procuring a new car, you should receive two keys - a main and a spare. Unfortunately, losing one of the keys happens much too often. It could fall off your pocket, be left at a cafe, be dropped into a storm drain or you could lose it some other way. But having...

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3 Benefits of Transponder Over Traditional Car Keys

3 Benefits of Transponder Over Traditional Car Keys

Whenever you procure a new car, it will likely come with two sets of high-functioning keys. The traditionally designed vehicles usually come with a key system to insert into the car to start the ignition.  However, incidents may occur that could result in the...

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